Thursday, September 24, 2009


As far back as the late President John F. Kennedy health care for the poor has been an issue of great rapport. When it comes to this issue it seems to evolve into an US (citizen) vs Them (Congress). And it seems so hypocritical. I mean Congress enjoys the greatest of health care; thanks to our contributions (taxes). Yet it is criminal their attitude when it comes to the little man. The little man can't afford to take his child to a doctor for something as minor as the flu nor a dentist to have a tooth pulled. Can you imagine the anguish that parent must feel? To see your child in pain and not be capable of alleviating that pain must inflict a devastating blow to that parents psyche. But those in Congress don't have to worry about this type of situation;nor have to choose between eating or having a roof over their heads. Perhaps we have a Government of few for the few. It least that's how it appears to me. Think about the minimum wage increase that those opponents in Congress and George Bush in particular fought so hard not to pass. Yet all the while increasing their own salaries. It is said abroad that "Americans are the most uninformed people on the planet". And that is true when it comes to the working of the Government. Perhaps it's time to rethink this whole thing about a government of the people,. for the people and by the people. Or did the people elect to lavish their elected officials in luxuries while they themselves grovel for the scraps thrown from the table? God I hope not! Each and everyone of us should be mandating health coverage for the least of us. After all, a healthy body leads to a healthy MIND.

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