Saturday, September 19, 2009


I was just wondering how many of us unconsciously equate Pleasure and Happiness as one and the same. Which do we prefer? Though I have taken no poll, social evidence is witness to the answer; (pleasure). But that's really no crime because natural law dictaes that we avoid pain; and so, pleasure becomes the focus of our particular reality. But is this singular pursuit an inhibitor to a higher purpose? Maybe an inhibitor to spiritual evolution? I believe that we all enjoy an awareness that would suggest that MAN is much more than the finite sum of his thoughts. A recognition that there is a central thread that runs through the whole of humanity. A connections that binds us one to another. If such premise be true, then why are we so estranged? One thought is that the pursuit of pleasure has so overwhelmed us that there has occurred a callous disregard for our neighbor. This pursuit has engendered a certain selfishness that permeates the very fabric of our existence. Our selfishness, whether it be overt or covert, subtle or actively expressive reveals itself in our constant pursuit of this fleeting notion that we call pleasure. Yet its elusiveness demonstrates its relative lack of value in the real scheme of things. Pleasure only satisfies the physical senses and is at best temporary; but we all, each and everyone of us is aware of a deeper sensation. A feeling that fills us with the anticipation of a joy that is overwhelming and encompasses our entire being. Yet unlike pleasure, this sensation has a feeling of permanency about it that is indescribable. Perhaps this is the feeling that Adam felt in the Garden of Eden. A feeling of oneness with all of nature. A feeling that can only be the product of the selfless individual. It is only through the sloughing off of the self that we can truly intertwine our spirits one with another. It is in this act that happiness is born. happiness is the effect of our continued awareness of our fellow man. Food for thought" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Should we consciously determine to follow the Golden Rule then each of us would facilitate happiness one to another. All Things Considered. Madu

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